My Work Experience at AZ Autos
By Liam Hazley
Social Media
- I have been put in control of the social media sites so that I could post on the AZ Autos Facebook page.
- I also create an Instagram account so that the company has another form of social media.
- I linked the social media accounts together which is explained on the following slides. To link them I used a website called
- When completing the tasks I was required to link the social media accounts together. This is so that when the user posts on one of the social media sites it will send a signal to the other forms of social media to send out the same post in their format.
- This therefore means that the user does not have to individually post on each of the sites to reach the customer base.
- When you post on Instagram the server will post the same message on Twitter and Facebook. This allows the same picture to be posted on all social media sites.
- Another link I managed to create was between Twitter and Facebook. This means when you send a tweet on Twitter it will automatically send a Facebook version of the tweet. This comes with a link of the post so that the Twitter account can then be viewed from Facebook.
Problems I encountered
- One of the main issues that I found with using the IFTTT site was the fact that I was unable to use Facebook as the source of the posts. This means if you post on Facebook it wont then send the same message on the other social media accounts.
- This means that if the user wants to send a post that goes on to all sites or at least one other then Instagram posts to all of the other sites and Twitter posts to Facebook directly.
Analysis of Website
- I have created a report in which shows what could be improved on the website.
- I have done this so that the customers visual/online experience is reached at the highest efficiency.
Final Words from me
- I’d just like to say thank you for allowing me to spend my work experience for a week with you. It’s been very educational in the fact of this is the industry I am planning on getting into once I finish college.
- Thank you for making it worth my time and giving me the experience I need to start my career in the car sales industry.